
Showing posts from November, 2021


  The Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is a viral disease that affects the immune system of the body. The effect is two-fold because HIV not only replicates through immune system cells, it also destroys them in the process. Is it contagious? Yes, HIV is most often passed through unprotected sexual contact. The type of sexual exposure dictates the risk. For example oral sex is almost zero risk, insertive vaginal sex is approximately 1:2000 risk, while receptive anal sex is a whopping 1:70 risk. HIV can also be passed through infected IV drug needles, particularly those used by intravenous drug users. Blood transfusions with infected blood are also a potential cause, although rare. You cannot get HIV through kissing, sharing food or utensils and inanimate objects like toilet seats. Can I be screened? Yes screening can be done via a normal blood test or a rapid fingerprick test. Both of which are highly accurate when performed at least 1 month after an exposure. Can it be cured? Curren